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What we do

Intellectual Property (IP) due diligence and litigation support

We will help you realise the true value of your intellectual property

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Our commercial awareness gives you the clearest picture.

The true value of intellectual property is becoming ever more significant in company mergers, acquisitions, funding submissions, market listings, and re-financing rounds. We have the expertise and experience to carry out due diligence exercises in the depth required to identify every strength and weakness, giving you the clearest picture possible.

We tailor the support we provide to your specific business needs. Some organisations benefit from ongoing due diligence, whilst others require a lighter approach. We are well versed in this process and offer a bespoke service that is aligned with your wishes and commercial objectives.

Our approach minimises risks and maximises opportunities should the prospect of litigation arise. Under such circumstances, we can provide a full litigation support service, including instructing counsel and case management.

Our work also includes:

  • Reports: We prepare due diligence reports over a wide range of technological disciplines for all types of organisations, including business angels and corporate finance houses
  • IP ownership checks
  • Comprehensive assessments of IP infringement risks
  • Validity issues associated with identified IP rights
  • Complex transactional concerns, such as intellectual property licensing and acquisitions
  • Identification of future IP opportunities and risks

For advice on realising the value of your IP, talk to our team.

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