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UK IPO Introduces Statements of Grant for International Designs

UK IPO Introduces Statements of Grant for International Designs

Industry news News 02/09/2024

This development offers design owners a range of benefits, including increased certainty, streamlined enforcement, and greater alignment with international practices.Contact Us

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has made a significant advancement in design protection by introducing Statements of Grant (SOGs) for international design registrations. This development, which began as a trial in February 2024, offers design owners a range of benefits, including increased certainty, streamlined enforcement, and greater alignment with international practices.

Prior to the introduction of SOGs, design owners faced uncertainty regarding the acceptance of their international design registrations. The SOG provides a clear and official confirmation, eliminating ambiguity and offering peace of mind.

One of the most practical benefits of SOGs is their role in enforcing design rights. These statements serve as tangible evidence that can be used to protect designs from infringement. In the event of a dispute, SOGs can be presented as proof of ownership and acceptance, strengthening the legal position of design owners.

Design owners can now benefit from:

  • Increased Certainty: SOGs provide definitive proof of acceptance.
  • Streamlined Enforcement: SOGs can be used as evidence in legal proceedings.
  • International Alignment: UK aligns with global practices in design protection.

For design owners seeking to protect their intellectual property on a global scale, the introduction of SOGs is a positive development. By providing greater certainty, facilitating enforcement, and aligning with international standards, SOGs contribute to a more robust and efficient design protection system.

View the General statement of grant of protection

Next steps

Our team at Secerna has experience navigating the intricacies of design rights. We can advise you on the most suitable approach for your specific needs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our design rights experts. We'll work to safeguard your design vision, ensuring you receive the legal protection your creation deserves. Let's turn your innovative design into a long-lasting success story.